UFG Capital at CryptoFunds22 in Dubai

On 10 May, Maryna Chernenko, Managing Director of UFG Capital, arrived in Dubai to attend a conference dedicated to digital assets' latest trends in developments, CryptoFunds22.

The event is a bridge between the worlds of traditional funds and crypto funds which is in line with UFG Capital's trajectory of development. The conference covered key differences and similarities between traditional and crypto funds, what's happening in the regulatory space, how to mitigate risks, and what are the main issues that need to be addressed. The panels compared current crypto regulatory developments in different jurisdictions, including Gibraltar and Dubai, touched upon the necessity of crypto education for investors and market players, and dived into the future of gaming and metaverse.

'The Regulatory Trends & Developments panel was my personal favourite. Thank you Maria Vovchok for the moderation. For me, as an asset manager, it's important to compare regulatory developments in different jurisdictions. The panellists touched upon crypto funds regulation and its background in Dubai and how forward-thinking the digital assets legislature is in Gibraltar.' – comments Maryna Chernenko.
2022-05-25 17:44